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New Hope Pantry is an Emergency Response Agency  serving the seniors, disabled and those in need in our community since 2002. Our serving area was expanded during the pandemic to meet the even more needs, but now that the pandemic is over, we have brought our focus back to those within a 30 mile radius of our location.

Pantry is open weekly for those who have gone through our intake process. They are notified weekly of our serving day and time for that week.

We are so thankful for our current army of volunteers, but can always use more. If you would like to help, please let us know you would like to be put on our volunteer text notification list. We begin setting up q 1/2 hours before we open. Volunteers are also asked to  plan on staying one hour after we close. On site training available!

Currently accepting donations of canned goods, boxed, dry goods, paper products, personal care items, pet food and cleaning agents... We are focusing on proteins, fruits and vegetables. To put it into perspective, we must have 50 cans of each item for our current families to get one per week. 

Monetary donations are always appreciated. Shopper donations go towards fuel /small repairs for the refrigerated trucks, and electricty to keep the food safe. Outside donations go towards larger expenses i.e. large refrigerated truck repairs, replacement, equipment and facility needs.