
Matthew 10:34-39
The Cost to Serve

*Conflict with the World

Matthew 10:34
“Don’t think that I came to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

*The Resistance

Matthew 10:35-36
“I have come so that a son will be against his father, a daughter will be against her mother, a daughter-in-law will be against her mother-in-law. A person’s enemies will be members of his own family.”

*The Devotion

Matthew 10:37
“Those who love their father or mother more than they love me are not worthy to be my followers. Those who love their son or daughter more than they love me are not worthy to be my followers.”

*The Denial

Matthew 10:38
“Whoever is not willing to carry the cross and follow me is not worthy of me.”

*The Sacrifice
We’re reminded of the responsibility to bear our cross.

*The Submission
While it isn’t likely that someone would bear their cross without following the Lord, it is possible.

Ephesians 6:6-7
You must do this not only while they are watching you, to please them. With all your heart you must do what God wants, as people who are obeying Christ. Do your work with enthusiasm. Work as if you were serving the Lord, not as if you were serving only men and women.”

*The Discernment

Matthew 10:39
“Those who try to hold on to their lives will give up true life. Those who give up their lives for me will hold on to true life.”