
Mathew 10

*Have you been praying for laborers to enable New Hope Church to reap souls for the Lord?

Matthew 10:1
“And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.”

Matthew 10:28
“Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

*We as Christians need to prepare ourselves for Immortal Combat as we defeat Satan with the power of Jesus’ name.
Demon possession is widespread, and is on the rise.

1. EVIL (Wicked, violent)
2. LYING SPIRIT (Occult - seducing, deceiving)
3. SICKNESS (Spirit of infirmity, deaf & dumb) 
4. BONDAGE (Addictions)
5. DIVINATION (Mediums)
6. SPIRIT OF FEAR (Phobias)
7. UNCLEAN (Impure, foul, lewd - porn)
8. SUICIDAL (Prematurely taking life)
9. MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES (Multiple identities)

The only way to spread the Gospel is to deliberately go out into wolf territory.
Our part is to recognize and avoid evil. God’s job is to defeat evil.
The presence of God’s Spirit in our lives can give us wisdom to recognize and avoid evil, and at the same time, keep evil from penetrating our lives.
Brothers and sisters, we are in Immortal Combat, and we need to fight with our lives for the very cause of Jesus Christ, our Lord!  
We don’t have to live in fear, when we learn to live by faith.