Become All Things by All Means to Save Some
1 Corinthians 9:19-22 CEV, “I am not anyone's slave. But I have become a slave to everyone, so I can win as many people as possible. When I am with the Jews, I live like a Jew to win Jews. They are ruled by the Law of Moses, and I am not. But I live by the Law to win them. And when I am with people who are not ruled by the Law, I forget about the Law to win them. Of course, I never really forget about the law of God. In fact, I am ruled by the law of Christ. When I am with people whose faith is weak, I live as they do to win them. I do everything I can to win everyone I possibly can.”
Paul considers both Jews and Gentiles in need of salvation.
Accommodation vs. Compromise
- No moral compromise
- No theology compromise
- Accommodation is in non-essential matters
When to be Flexible and when to hold Firm
- Determine the difference between Legalists and weaker Christians
- Be Careful in deciding what the True Obstacle is
- Make a clear division between a Pharisee and weaker Christian