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Ron Fritz PhD is from one of the recent, heavily devestated areas in N.C.. We met him on one of our disaster relief mission trips. As a deacon of his church, he helped navigate the congregation and the community through one of the most difficult times of their lives.

He operates a Chestnut Farm high on a beaufiul mountain in Bee Log, N.C. Though he has been a Christian for many years, his faith didn't come alive until he began to understand the Science behind God's creation. He has a passion and a love to help others learn the science behind their faith. His ultimate goal is to reach his 14 year old self in someone else. If he knew then, what he knows now, how differently he would have lived his life.

Formerly a 30 year professional statitician, Ron currently does Peer Reviews for two major Creation ministries of our day;

Answers in Genesis - an apologetics ministry of Ken Ham of the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, dedicated to help Christians defend their faith, and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ

TheCreation Research Society 

Ron has graciously offered to come present three, Biblical worldview classes at New Hope in January 2025. We are thrilled to be able to offer these 3 classes to our community. This is a multi-media presentation with motion video, images, charts, graphs and facts. His passion on this subject is evident throughout his presentation. 

Take advantage of this opportunity to deepen your faith, and to learn how to defend your faith when it is challenged. These classes are appropriate and invaluable for ages 12 years old and up, and are critical in ensuring our kids know the truth of origins and design. Once these truths are embraced, they, and we, can know better know how to respond to the lies of Satan that our worldly society teaches and promotes as truth.

Session 1: Creation and Cells

Session 2: Flood and Fossils

Session 3: The Battle: World view vs Biblical view (and the practical application)